Email: info(at)
Phone: +39 0546 29600
Visit or mail us – our base of operations in Italy is:
BikesPlus Active Experiences
Via dé Crescenzi, 42 – 480818 Faenza (RA) Italia
Legal address and tax id:
BikesPlus SRL*
Via de Amicis 4/D, 47121 Forlì (FC) Italia
P.I. IT 03765960400
*BIKESPLUS SRL, Agenzia Viaggi On Line con SCIA al Comune di Forlì : Protocollo n.10890 del 09/02/2015, nel rispetto della normativa sull’e-commerce (D.Lgs.70/2003, D.Lgs 206/2005 – Codice del Consumo, D.Lgs. 21/2014)”
In 2018, BikesPlus SRL received public funds from the Emilia Romagna region through a marketing and tourism cost sharing grant in an amount exceeding €10,000.00. This was through the request for proposal published per regional law no. 7/98 – This informational note is in compliance with law no. 124/2017 and subsequent amendments as per law no. 34/2019.